Glad you're enjoying Against Me! I heard them back in 2011 for the first time when the song I Was A Teenage Anarchist was getting play on college radio. I didn't like that song and spent the next several years thinking that meant I didn't like Against Me... turns out I just hadn't heard the right songs. Transgender Dysphoria Blues is a fantastic album. Honestly, I love most of their albums.
If you haven't already, I recommend checking out similar bands like The Menzingers, The Lawrence Arms, and Alkaline Trio... all in a similar vein and some of my favorites.
Also, I don't think you meant anything by it, but I'd be remiss not to mention that it's my understanding that most transpeople prefer never to be referred to be their previous name. To her, she's always been Laura even though many of us were introduced to her before she was public with her authentic self.